Künstlerinnenforum GEDOK Karlsruhe
23.06. – 14.07.2019
Astrid Hansen, Birgit Spahlinger, Sabine Schäfer
in focus. Art – Science – Nature
Three different positions of contemporary media art and photography
Inauguration 22.06.2019, 20 Uhr
One of the most effective and revolutionary techniques of reduction and concentration is to focus on the world of things as source material in order to penetrate to the essence of things and finally to bring forth many kinds of new creations. By means of consistent focusing, art has always opened the gates of perception to transhuman being, generating an aesthetic of the hybrid that currently often follows a rhizomatic logic and an algorithmic form.
The most consistent result of the mechanization of our perceptual apparatus is probably the reduction to a being/non-being situation of the digital.
Three artistic positions refer to this by varying the viewer’s point of view and scaling it between technical apparatus and sensual organ right into the object. The artwork thereby assumes the role of transmitter, it leads the apparatuses, distillates and transhuman formation potentials back into the human realm of the perceptible, leaving behind a quiet inkling of the sublimity of universal being and its manifold subtexts.
In this sense, Astrid Hansen, Birgit Spahlinger and Sabine Schäfer not only penetrate to a kind of ‘ground’ through a medial focusing, each in their own way, but they create justifications of information, perception and existence.
Dr. Annette Hünnekens
Sat. Jun. 22, 8 p.m.
Dr. Annette Hünnekens, media art scholar
Introductory speech
Musical supporting program:
EndoMikroSonoScopic sound compositions by Sabine Schäfer
Opening hours:
Wed. – Fri. 5 – 7 pm. Sat. + Sun. 14 – 16 h
07/14/2019, 4 pm / the artists will be present.
Exhibition venue:
GEDOK Female Artists Forum Karlsruhe
Markgrafenstr.14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany