What´s next?
Group exhibition with female artists of GEDOK Karlsruhe

Fri, September 8 at 8 pm
Introduction: Sabine Adler, M. A.
Music: Solange Komenda, recorders

Gallery Day: Sat, 23/09/2023 14:00 – 20:00

GEDOK Künstlerinnenforum
76131 Karlsruhe

Opening hours
Mi – Fr 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Sa + Sat 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

„Die Zukunft, die wir wollen, muss erst erfunden werden, sonst bekommen wir eine, die wir nicht wollen.“ Joseph Beuys

Translated: “The future we want must first be invented, otherwise we will get one we don’t want.” Joseph Beuys

What possible developments await us in art, culture, nature, environment and society? Utopia or lost paradise? Greenwashing or delusion of the future? Such questions take on a special explosiveness in view of expected changes in all areas of life.
What will be important? Where will we develop? How will we live together? What new forms will emerge in the arts, culture and the media?
Members of the Visual Arts Group have created works on this subject – whether quirky, curious, imaginative, analytical and/or serious – that reflect these or similar questions.

Contribution Sabine Schäfer: Lissabon bei Nacht, 2023 (Lisbon at night, 2023)
From the series of works „Ausblicke – Europäische Hauptstädte bei Nacht“ (“Views – European capitals by night”)

“Lisbon at night” pictorial work with music stand and audio QR code. The visitor listens to the audio composition via smartphone and Bluetooth: an experimental short radio play on energy waste.

Invitation card

Vernissage, Fri. 8.09.2023, 8 pm – WHAT’S NEXT?

GEDOK Karlsruhe